Tuesday 17 January 2012

E4 E-sting

This TV ident that is shown on E4 is a mixture of stop motion animation and computer graphics, from being the audience you can identify simply which is which but they are both used very cleverly as the sequence and the flow of the ident are edited to look that way. As this being a TV ident its identifying the channel so the audience can relate to the ident and know what channel it is that is being shown. The way to logo is shown in this ident is don't by CGI from there being a card board box and suddenly rapidly forming into the E4 sign, it goes well with the sequence of the ident and how the set has been made. There is a constant change of camera shots for different part in the room when other new objects appear and a constant shot of tracking shot around the room to show what is happening, this way there is a clear insight in everything that is going on.

As shown in the TV ident there is so many things going on at once, with different stop motion animation and computer graphics used equally to create an effect so show how things can happen and unreal thing in the shots. At first the ident starts off with a normal shot of a room with two beds, then it cuts to the curtains shutting, draws opening and a chair lifting up this is all done in stop motion animation and sped up to look fluently, then this gluey liquid animation comes out the draws and birds made out of paper are flying about, this is when the CGI and the stop motion animation mix together because there is a variety of both being used in the ident. An octopus's legs come out of the bed and takes the teddy bear on the bed, this is shown to create a unusual look and a cause of unrealistic graphics. The whole ident is effect because it looks kind of cartoon wise in the sense of there are thing moving around that will in reality not be there and as there are so many things going on in the ident it looks good. Everything in the ident is random for example real geese in the shot at the end which none of the objects shown in the ident will be seen in any normal hotel room.
All the colours in the shot are bold are dark but used in a colourful way, there are so many different colours used with different lights shown and the tvs and neon lights in the background. All the objects in the room are opaque so they stand out more and look more 3D than what they are to look realistic.

E4 - Lution

This idents that is shown is a different way of using stop motion animation in a more creative way, it looks as if its almost real from the way all the camera shots have been put together and made to look fluent. All idents that are made are made for a certain reason, mostly to represent the programmes that are made on that channel or to be remember by if they are made in a certain way to be memorable and so you can recognise when seeing it again. In this case for this persific ident it is made in an unusal way so this will have an impact on the audience. The set is made on a table with added objects around to encourage the theme of the ident, at the start it shows a variety of tubes and a glass container with liquid in so it gives you an idea that its going to be some kind of science project. All that its taken to make this is the camera which is filming, the equipment needed such as the containers, a civ, and the background.

As the ident carries on, all the focus is on the object in the middle which is the civ where the magic happens and is shot by the camera slowly zooming in until the end where all the things that have been made in the civ stops and splats out ending with gu and E4 signs splattered on the screen. Its made by alot of material and equipment, as watching the E4 ident loads of crazy things are coming out of the civ making it look real which is the effect it achieved. The whole of this stop motion animation is made by hand with materials being used to create a scene, the only thing that is CGI is at the end when the gu and the E4 signs splat out onto the screen.

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