Tuesday 22 November 2011

Nokia N8 Gulp

The Nokia N8 Gulp is a advert promoting the nokia phone, to show how good the camera is by filming everything that was going on in the advert, the main purpose of the advert is to persuade people to buy the phone if they are looking for a new one and at the end of the advert it shows the nokia and how it has been set up to film the whole shoot. The advert is aimed at everyone in general that have phones and are mainly looking for a good camera to use and this advert promotes the phone well and can see clearly how good the camera is by recording the worlds largest stop motion animation set.
It is clear how the advert was made, by a Nokia N8 and the brilliant camera that is advertised. There was a lot of resourses and props used during the proccess of filming, the sea and the beach is the main thing that the advert is about and a real man is used for the man in the boat. It took all the cast 5 days to shoot the whole thing on 3 nokia phones, and took over 60 people to help making the advert. It estimated that 16 hours was 20 seconds on the advert. There was many people there that was perfessional sand artists that made the fish and the shark at the end and was made with everyones help. The only resources that was needed was the beach, the half boat on its side adn the man and eveyone that made the advert.
The strenghts that this advert brings is that its made on a camera phone and it shows the audience that things as big as this can be recorded on a nokia n8. Its also very pursuading and shocking when you see the phone at the end, it almost seems unreal that this advert is shot on a phone, so it gives it that wow factor. Another good thing about this advert is that its known at the biggest stop motion animation set that has been made yet and how someone has thought about making this and actually making it happen. Also its really positive how well it was shot and the different ideas that are used, such as the story of it and how all the props and resourses has worked well together.
Personally i dont think there is any weaknesses for this advert, and it was shot very well and cleaverly. The only effect it has on the advert is the weather and that they could only film the day shots in the day and the night shots at night, so the cast had to depend on the time they had and work quickly.

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